Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thirst for Knowledge
Perry IS a Monster
Perry as a Female
Friday, December 4, 2009
Dick is a Hypocrite
Dick Manipulating Perry
The Trial: Part II
The Trial
Their Plan to Escape
Perry continues to portray Dick as a heartless while portraying Perry as kinder and more thoughtful. Both of their plans to escape are vastly different. Dick chooses a quite a violent, but not very well thought out plan. While in his cell, he creates “‘Shiv,’ an instrument very like an icepick—something that would fit with lethal niceness between the shoulder-blades of Undersheriff Meier,” (263). Here Dick’s brutal plan to kill the undersheriff does not seem to be very well thought out. There is no evidence of further planning, just where he will go when he escapes. Perry’s plan however seems much less violent and better thought out. He draws maps, plots the best places at “which a ‘getaway car’ could most advantageously be stationed,” (265). He also has concerns about the two men whom the plan depends on. On the back of the map he writes, “But do you realize the consequences if you get caught (nod your head if you do)? It could mean a long stretch in prison. Or you might get killed.” (265). His plans show that Perry is more thoughtful about what happens to those involved in the escape plan. He doesn't want the two innocent men he keeps seeing outside the window to get in trouble. Dick's plan also makes him seem heartless. He plans on going to the Colorado mountains, "alone, of course; Perry's future did not concern him," (263). He seems to be thoughtless about Perry's well being. For one half of a pair that has just spent so much time together, to not care about the other half is quite cold-blooded. Capote makes Perry once again seem kinder and more thoughtful where it is concerned with Dick. On the back of the map, he notes "What about Hickock? All preparations must include him," (265). The kindhearted Dick feels that it is necessary to include his partner-in-crime to his more thoughtful plan of escape. Capote once more makes Perry seem the better of the two.
Perry comes from a rough child hood whereas Dick had the support of his family when he was growing up which makes an immense difference on the character of a person when they grow up between a murderer and someone who just wants attention. When Dick and Perry have to write a diary entry to the psychiatrist Dick’s background story differs from Perry. Dick initiative was more about going to rape the young Clutter girl and he writes, “I think the main reason I went there was not to rob them but to rape the girl. Because I thought a lot about it. That is one reason why I never wanted to turn back when we started to. Even when there was no safe.” (278). Dick’s motive in the whole scandal wasn’t about the money or killing the family but more the fact that he needed to fill his sexual desires. Dick’s entry to the psychiatrist described his young life as pretty normal. He was a varsity athlete, managed his grades pretty well, and his parents rarely argued. Instead of having a rough family life, he emphasized more on the idea of his girlfriend and how he never touched her. Dick also talked about his marriage then went down the drain (278). Perry’s story talked his mother cheating on his father and how they use to fight all the time. His father use to beat him and he was always scared. He wrote “I was fightfully scared because I thought my father was going to hurt me.” (274). Perry didn’t have stable relationships growing up like Dick. When Dick was growing up he was focused on school, sports and girls like the average teenager. Perry spent his time worried about when he would get beat up by his parents, fighting in the wars and where was going to live. In the end though Dick doesn’t end up killing the Clutters but Perry does. The role of having a family and where you are brought up defines a person when they get older. Perry was use to violence where Dick just needed someone to build his self esteem.
Who's stronger?
Throughout In Cold Blood Dick was initially the one pushing the idea of killing the Clutters, acting like the stronger person, but underneath it all Dick is in actuality the weaker one of Dick and Perry by the end of the book. Perry had always been the more sensitive of the two throughout the story and took the role of the woman. When he is separated from Dick in jail he misses him. Perry looked to Dick when he didn’t know what to do but Perry had begun to see through Dick. In Perry’s diary he writes, “Dick was not the ‘hardrock' he'd once thought him: ‘pragmatic,’ ‘virile,’ ‘a real brass boy; he'd proven himself to be a ‘pretty weak and shallow’ a coward”(259). This really showed through on the night of the murder when Dick wouldn’t kill the Clutters. Before the murder Perry would never have called Dick a coward or shallow. Now Dick was more into raping girls, like Nancy, then killing the family. Even the psychiatrist noted, “His self-esteem is very low and he secretly feels inferior to others and sexually inadequate.” (295). Throughout the whole book we get the persona that Dick is a murderer with no soul when really he’s just a very shallow person looking for love from others. Dick use to be a role model for Perry, someone he could look to for answers but now Perry seemed to be stronger. I’m not sure I would call him stronger but more braver of the two. Perry has a lot of personal issues, but so does Dick. Dick finds it necessary to rape girls to make him happy and Perry only killed the Clutter family to prove to Dick he was a strong person. Dick and Perry both show signs of weakness but Perry looked to Dick as a criminal, someone who didn’t give a care in the world what he did, but now he saw Dick as a weak person.
Mental Stability
Throughout In Cold Blood Perry continually is asking himself how could a normal person kill people and by the end of the book the psychiatrist announces Dick as normal and can’t put an answer on Perry showing that Perry may not be blamed for the murder. In the earlier parts of the book always tells Perry he’s normal. He says, “I’m a normal.” (93). Dick doesn’t feel any guilt wanting to kill a family whereas Perry can’t believe he would do such a thing. Perry says, “Deep down, way, way rock-bottom, I never thought I could do it. A thing like that.” (111). Perry can’t believe what he’s done, it’s like reality escaped him at the time of the murder and he got way into his actions then actually thinking through what he was doing. The fourth part of In Cold Blood spends an ideal amount of time discussing the psychiatric state of Dick and Perry. In the trial when the psychiatrist is asked if Dick is normal he says yes (294) and he says he doesn’t have an answer for Perry (296). The psychiatrist says, “Perry shows definite signs of severe mental illness. His childhood, related to me and verified by portions of the prison records, was marked by brutality and lack of concern on the part of both parents. He seems to have grown up without direction, without love and without ever having absorbed any fixed sense of moral values.” (297). Perry was never taught right from wrong and the psychiatrist thinks it could have an affect on why he killed the Clutters. Overall the rest of the note from the psychiatrist notes many problems for Perry whereas Dick knew what he was doing when he killed the Clutters. The reality of the matter is that Dick didn’t actually kill the Clutters and Perry did.. Perry couldn’t be blamed for the murder because he is mentally unstable and Dick pushed him into a situation he didn’t want to do in the first place. Perry knows there is something wrong with him and Dick knows he’s completely normal. The diagnosis from the psychiatrist was given the first time Dick called himself normal and the first time Perry second guesses killing the Clutters. Capote is always trying to find ways to show Perry as more of an innocent person.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
In the fourth part of In Cold Blood, during the trial, Capote makes the murderer of the Clutter family, Perry Smith seem understanding, sympathetic to others, and shows a humane side as he protects the reputation of his partner-in-crime. The statement Perry Smith originally gives Detective Alvin Dewey, states that he killed Kenyon and Herb Clutter while Dick killed Nancy and Bonnie Clutter. Perry has this cleared at the trial when Dewey states, “He said everything else in that statement was true and correct. Except these two things. And that was that he wanted to say he killed Mrs. Clutter and Nancy Clutter—Not Hickock. He told me that Hickock…didn’t want to die with his mother thinking he had killed any members of the Clutter family. And he said the Hickocks were good people. So why not have it that way” (286). Perry acts selflessly as he comes clean about killing the entire family. Aside from simply telling the truth about who killed whom, Perry confesses to the killings to protect Dick’s mother, his partner-in-crime. Perry has met both of Dick’s parents, and admires them. By including this detail of why Perry confessed to all of the killings, Capote makes Perry seem like an innocent man, when he really is the guilty murderer that killed an entire family.
In Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood, Capote gives detailed descriptions of the prisons Dick and Perry are kept in after being arrested for the crime of murdering the Clutter family. By describing Dick’s comfortable state in the regular county jail compared to the lonely and dreary condition Perry endures while kept in the women’s cell, Capote makes the reader feel even more sympathy for Perry as Capote has already made Perry seem like the pitiful innocent one of the two murderers.
In the beginning of the fourth part of the book, Capote describes the jail cell where Perry is held as being boring and lonely. Perry sees that Mr. Hickock, Dick’s father spent three hours at the county jail visiting Dick. After witnessing this, Capote writes that, “Neither Perry Smith’s father nor sister wrote him or came to see him….Except for the squirrel, except for the Meiers and an occasional consultation with his lawyer, Mr. Fleming, Perry was very much alone” (259). Perry has been with Dick for the past year. From traveling together across the states and trying to outrun the law, Perry was rarely alone; he always had a close companion. Now that Perry is thrown into the woman’s jail cell all alone, he can only entertain himself with his own solitude and haunting thoughts. His boredom reaches a level where his main activities of the day include training a squirrel he sees outside his window and cleaning his table and folding his blankets. On the other hand, Dick, being held in the regular men’s county jail, is still upset about his current situation, but he seems better than Perry because he is not alone. Capote describes Dick’s prison situation as being, “But he [Dick] was not isolated, there were people to talk to, a plentiful turnover of drunkards, forgers, wife-beaters, and Mexican vagrants; and Dick, with his light-hearted “con-man” patter, his sex anecdotes and gamy jokes, was popular with the inmates” (262). Where Perry is going mad from boredom and isolation, Dick is receiving long visits with his father and making new friends in jail. By showing the contrast between the two situations, Capote makes the reader feel that this setup is unfair. He wants the reader to form the opinion he formed when investigating the crime by thinking that Perry, the kinder more sensitive man deserves a nicer cell with other people surrounding him. Dick, the obnoxious pervert is not worthy of a cell and other prison inmates to bond with. Once the reader understands Capote’s intentions and sees that Perry should be held in the regular jail with people to talk to, they feel bad for Perry. From Capote’s biased perspective, the reader feels that the innocent and sensitive man is punished unfairly while the awful ruthless man is treated better, and in a sense, rewarded with new friends.
In the fourth part of In Cold Blood, Capote uses biblical references to make the reader understand the inevitable failure of the characters Dick and Perry. While Perry is kept in the women’s cell at the Finney County Courthouse, he recalls the time he spent with Dick before being separated. Since their imprisonment, Dick and Perry have not spoken. Capote writes of Perry’s remembering as, “Still, of everyone in all the world, this was the person [Dick] to whom he was closest at that moment, for they at least were of the same species, brothers in the breed of Cain” (259-260). Capote compares Dick and Perry to the biblical character Cain, who commits the first murder ever by killing his brother, Abel. Capote describes them as being “brothers in the breed of Cain” which refers to the other characters in literature such as Grendel who are given a disastrous fate because they are born in the murderous line of Cain. This gives an explanation for the dangerous and violent behavior and lifestyle the two murderers live. If it is out of their control that they are doing such horrible things, then the reader cannot help but feel that Dick and Perry are less responsible for their actions since they are destined to be evil.
Dick And Perry's feelings of being inferior
Capote’s undeniable affection for the prisoners begins to show in the final pages. He was so careful to keep himself out of the narrative up to this point, he allows himself to appear twice in a conversation with Dick, in one of the last scenes of the book. At this point in the book he was much more connected with Perry and Dick than ever, and at last he seems to acknowledge his own writing as shaping some of the events in the story. He allows himself to appear in the story because of many years, he was sitting on the sideline never giving himself time to be heard in the novel. He obviously wrote it, but he never got to write exactly his conversations and interactions with Dick and Perry, telling it like it really happened, a narrative between he and the murderers. I feel that he finally injects himself into the story because he needs the readers to finally read about a conversation that he had with the two men, exactly the way that it happened.
Capote increasingly refers to Perry and Dick as Smith and Hickock as the execution date nears. Using last names, Capote is symbolically representing the distancing effect the trial has on the characters. The trial refers to them by their last names, and the Dick and Perry of the rest of the novel fade into courtroom entities. In many ways, this difference in name usage represents the fact that the trial and the book are otherwise similar. Although the trial is official, Capote's book is in many way a second trial, an attempt to make the average reader sympathize with Dick and Perry, or at least to make the reader understand the tragedy of their deaths. This removes the reader from the criminals. This is because as the story moves along we become attached to Perry and Dick and that is how we refer to them, not as Smith and Hickock. The use of last names is something that people use formally if they have never met someone, or to someone higher up than them. But at this point in the story, we have gotten to know Dick and Perry, we have followed their life journies up until the moment that they are hanged. We know them on a level that warrants us to call them Dick and Perry as opposed to Hickock and Smith. Capote implements these new “names” for them because he is also fading away from them and calling them Hickock and Smith seems to push them farther away. They are no longer someone who we call by their first names, as we no longer want to be so connected to them, this is the end for Perry and Smith, so as they leave us it is easier to call them Hickock and Smith making them less personable to all of those reading.
In particular, the murder of Herb Clutter becomes clear: the father of the Clutter family symbolized, for Perry, all the frustrations and missed opportunities of his own life. As he says later in the book, “I didn't have anything against them, and they never did anything wrong to me--the way other people have all my life. Maybe they're just the ones who had to pay for it." Herb Clutter represents a key figure in some past traumatic configuration: his father? The orphanage nuns who had derided and beaten him? The hated army sergeant? The parole officer who had ordered him to ‘stay out of Kansas’? One of them, or all of them” (302). As well, Perry’s trance-like state while committing the murders is accounted for as a common experience of those with his background and psychological disposition. When Perry is psychologically tested, he shows definite signs of severe mental illness. Because he was neglected as a child, he has developed a paranoia and fear for everyone else in the world. This is shown because he is easily triggered by any feeling of being tricked, slighted or labeled inferior to others.