Friday, December 4, 2009

Dick Manipulating Perry

Dick is undeniably a creepy figure capable of manipulation to get whatever he wants. This, combined with Perry’s reliability on others proves to be his ultimate downfall. Perry is a capable person, but still has to rely on others, and in this case Dick. Perry is described as, “[Perry] was still (and wasn’t it incredible, a person of intelligence, his talents?) an urchin dependent, so to say, on stolen coins” (193). Perry probably could have done the crime himself had his need for people not gotten in his way. Therefore his life depends on the “stolen coins”, or in other words he needs others to live or else he would die. Although Perry is dependent on others, Dick can manipulate him very easily. Dick power came from a smart use when the situation called for it, “Dick was a ‘blowhard’; his toughness, as Perry had come to know, existed solely in situations where he unarguably had the upper hand” (193). Dick controls Perry with the precise use of his power when he has the advantage. The malevolence of a person who would do this to someone else is appalling; especially for the partners they appear to be. Then finally Dick knows that he is in control, and doesn’t really consider Perry on equal ground with him. As a representation of his power we see that, “Dick grinned, and said, ‘Come on. We’re eating again’” (194). The grinning is the first sign that he knows who has the power; it becomes visible physically to the reader that the smile is creepy and meant to be more of a smirk. And secondly the way he talks to Perry. His diction is of a command to do something. Perry still follows without question. Dick is a master of manipulation like Capote himself.

1 comment:

  1. I don’t think Perry is motivated by coins and a need to have somebody to take care of him. He sticks with Dick because of his loneliness. Dick pretends in the beginning showing interest in Perry and his dreams. I think this is what kept Perry going, thinking that he has somebody who understands him and his dreams.
