Thursday, November 19, 2009

In In Cold Blood, the color blue seems to be a reoccurring symbol connected to violence. It is associated with the murderers tattoos, Dick’s eyes, the sky and articles of clothing. Capote makes two references to the color blue in the scene where Dick and Perry plan to catch a ride and kill the driver. The first reference is when Perry is unfastening his belt, to use it as a weapon: “ He unfastened his belt, a Navajo belt, silver-buckled and studded with turquoise beads; he took it off, flexed it, placed it across his knees” (173). Capote uses the color turquoise, a type of blue, to describe a weapon that will be used in a violent act. About five sentences later, the color blue is referenced again: “Later, along some quiet side road, use would be made of the belt with the sky-blue beads” (173). Again, Capote references the color blue in association with violence. Capote, uses the color blue to foreshadow violence by having it appear in situations where violence is happening or is about to happen.

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