Sunday, November 8, 2009

Perry gravitates towards and follows Dick because Dick reminds him of his father. Growing up when Perry’s parents split he originally lived with his mom. His mom neglected him and his siblings and finally Perry was taken out of an orphanage to live with his father. Although his father was not perfect he was the only role model and support that Perry had. In his early years Perry, “Loved Dad then. Even though he could be rough on me. Bossy as hell” (132). However, as Perry grew up he became frustrated with his father, “Whole sections of me Dad was ignorant of…I had this great musical ability. Which Dad didn’t recognize. Or care about… I never got any encouragement” (133). Perry loved his father, loved the contrast between him and his mother. His father’s authority over him was a desirable change over being uncared for by his mother. Anyone that would pay attention to him and care for him was better than nothing, even if that person didn’t understand him. Dick shares many characteristics with Perry’s father. After having been yelled at by Dick Perry comes to see that, “All this, perversity being what it is, appealed to Perry, hurt and shocked him but charmed him, almost revived his former faith in the tough, the ‘totally masculine’, the pragmatic, the decisive Dick he’d once allowed to boss him” (124). Perry is drawn to Dick because he is the same type of role model his father was. He is hurtful in a way yes, shooting down Perry’s dreams, but the tough bossiness Dick possesses mimics the way Perry is treated by his father. In the reprimand mentioned Dick is scolding Perry because he does not approve of his dreams. This lack of understanding is also seen in Perry’s father. Neither his father nor Dick understand Perry’s sensitive side, yet he still accepts their leadership because it is the best type of “parenting” he has known.

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