Monday, November 9, 2009

In the second section of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, entitled Persons Unknown, Alvin Dewey is obsessed with solving the murder of the Clutter family. He goes over and over each tiny clue, pursuing each lead with determination, "In the days to come, Dewey was to spend many hours examining these photographs, hoping that he might 'suddenly see something,' that a meaningful detail might declare itself" (83). He is so consumed with the case that he takes gory crime scene photographs home, and goes over and over them looking for any small clue. In one scene in part two, instead of sleeping Dewey is sitting at his kitchen table mulling over the photographs trying to find hidden clues or something he missed before. Dewey's wife at one point asks him, "Do you think we'll ever have a normal life again?" (105). Dewey is so immersed in the Clutter murders that it interferes with his and his families' lives.

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