Sunday, November 8, 2009

The relationship between Perry and Dick

As the story progresses, the reader is able to better understand the relationship between Perry and Dick. Although both of these men are criminals, this characteristic is the only common trait between them. Perry is passive and dependant on other people. His submissive nature allows for Dick to manipulate and control him. In addition, Perry is vulnerable. With nobody reliable in his life, Perry needs a friend. When Dick calls needing a partner in crime, Perry has no reason not to assist his sly old cellmate. Already secretly jealous of Dick, Perry is lured in by Dick’s cunning demeanor. While reflecting upon Dick, Perry remarks “Dick! Smooth. Smart. Yes, you had to hand it to him. Christ, it was incredible how he could “con a guy”” (97). As Perry watches in awe, he is unable to recognize that Dick is conning him too. Dick manipulates Perry into helping him write false checks and steal money as well as suits, rings and cameras. Perry is overwhelmed, almost disturbed, by the way Dick easily charms the salesmen and acquires a good amount of money. Unfortunately for him, Perry does not realize that he is just part of the plan.

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